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July Employee of the Month: Jaden Bewer

Jaden Bewer is a Senior at UW-Eau Claire majoring in Finance and Marketing and works for EcoWash at the Waukesha, WI division. He grew up in Pewaukee, WI, and has ambitions to run a business of his own in the distant future. Throughout his internship, Jaden has learned a ton and overcome many obstacles, gaining valuable insights and experience.

Jaden Bewer
Jaden Bewer- EcoWash DM, Waukesha

Here is our brief interview with Jaden about his experience so far at EcoWash:

What made you choose to work at EcoWash?

I was looking for the ultimate business opportunity to discover what I like or dislike and what I excel or struggle within the practical business world. EcoWash presented the perfect environment and opportunity for this specific type of exposure.

What have you enjoyed the most from your internship so far?

The raw exposure to what running a small-scale business looks and feels like has been the most enjoyable aspect of my internship. My initial intentions were focused on the learning experience, and this hands-on exposure has been incredibly valuable and rewarding.

What skills have you learned from your internship so far?

I have learned numerous skills in various categories, including marketing, sales, business management, and time management. Additionally, I have gained a deeper understanding of myself in a professional environment. It has been incredible to take what I learned in a classroom or textbook setting, apply it with my own twist, and figure out the best way to solve any given situation.

Jaden Bewer
Jaden helping out with a project he sold

What are you looking forward to the most?

I am looking forward to building on this incredible opportunity and learning experience. I hope the skills I have learned through this internship provide a jump start to my career, which will begin in the spring, wherever that may be.

Anything else you’d like to share?

This internship has been a pivotal experience, helping me develop professionally and personally. It has reinforced my passion for business and my ambition to run my own company in the future. I am grateful for the opportunities and challenges I have faced at EcoWash and look forward to applying these lessons in my future career.

Congratulations Jaden on being our July Employee of the Month! We are really proud of all the success you've had here.


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